Sunday, 21 March 2010

Video feedback recieved

I liked the use of flashbacks and all the different camera angles, particularly when you would go from a facial close-up to panning down the body etc. There was a lot going on, which made it interesting to watch. The couple of lines of song done very quietly at the start was a nice effect, as was the repeat of the fall, although the fall itself was contrived and clumsy and not particularly well edited. Whilst cutting from the narrative to the band is not exactly a new technique, it was well done here. Overall, i thought it was of a very high standard, and the narrative was clearly portrayed, although not very original.

- Amanda Lucas

I really liked the quiet the music at the beginning. Also, the different camera angles were really good and how they switched quite quickly (didn't linger on a specific angle for ages!), my favourite's the bit where the camera's circling Megan near the end.
I'm not very good with this whole critique'ing thing! So i'll just leave it at that! On the whole, it's very good.
Ooh, one minor critisism, the band lip singing isn't quite accurate yet!

- Daniella Cowan

the scenes of the band are good, but there are a few places where the syncing is just a little out. the camera angles are good, especially the circling thing that danni mentioned, and the shot of the fall is good with the focussing in on their hands, but i agree with mum that the acting wasn't great. there are just the right amount of scenes with the band and they dont go on for too long either. the whole story is clear from watching the video, the scenes aren't too complicated to follow but include enough that your not bored watching it.

- Reece Lucas

enjoyable.. camerawork was good. it looked like everyone knew their part, but i think it would have been a lot better if the lead-singer wasn't lip-synching, and if you could actually hear what the band was playing. unless they are just that good.

- pinkdogsarehappy (online reviewer)

You requested some critique so I'm gonna be honest and nice and give you some.
Firstly, well done one this. It's a pretty big undertaking to take on a video of this length at any level, especially if it is all your own work. You look like you were pretty organised with your shots, which is good. There are some nice moving shots here here which work well when you used them...nice contrast to the static shots and highlights the emotions in those parts. Everything is solid and you can tell passion went into this.
Technically, there are some errors. sometimes, shadows can be seen, sometimes the AF messes up, sometimes the exposure shifts. You can avoid this pretty easy by using your camera on manual mode. If you need to use auto mode, remember it focuses by comparing contrast in scenes, so point the focus point at shadows edges, or corners of furniture, or eyebrows for solid focus. The edit is pretty good, it progresses nicely and there are no continuity errors on it at all. I think it needs to be a bit more snappy on this, to match the energy of the music, the performance and the emotions. Your colour correction needs fixing, but I doubt they would teach that just yet!
But these points aside you've done an excellent job mate. I can see definite potential if you keep working on it, and stay passionate. Definitely want to see what you can come up with in the future

- 99media (online reviewer)

Group members (and candidate numbers)

Niall Lucas – 3125
Jordan Perrett – 3161
James Nash – 3148
Lewis Taylor - 3206

1 comment:

  1. A small sample of audience feedback, but nevertheless it has informed your work by encouraging you to rework the video in places. You handle the section on audience feedback well in your evaluation. A good collaborative section of your Portfolio.
